Current Courses

SCEC Online Courses

Online Career Training Courses
Flexible, self-paced non-credit certificate programs for career preparation or advancement. Each course is developed by a team of experts and comes with dedicated student advisors to support those looking to train in high-demand fields and prepare for nationally recognized certifications. Get industry certified in IT, business, healthcare, and more. Upon completing with a passing score, students receive a certificate of completion from Schuylkill Community Education Council, and when applicable, a voucher to sit for the certification exam.

Popular Online Career Training Programs
Medical Billing and Coding (Voucher Included)
Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) (Voucher Included)
Certified Paralegal (Voucher Included)
Freight Broker/Agent Training
Pharmacy Technician (Voucher Included)
Veterinary Assistant
Certified Residential Interior Designer
HVAC/R Technician (Voucher Included)
CompTIA A+ Certification Training (Vouchers Included)
Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks Online (Voucher Included)
Residential Electrician
The Complete Project Manager with CAPM and PMP Prep

Areas of Study
Art and Design
Computer Applications
Computer Science
Construction and Trades
Health and Fitness
Information Technology
Teacher Professional Development

Explore all Online Career Training

Online Personal Development Courses
Affordable and convenient non-credit short courses online designed to help individuals or employees build personal and professional skills. Two ways to learn! Our instructor-moderated courses start monthly and allow students to study and interact with a cohort over a six-week schedule. For the independent learner, our self-guided courses provide access to all lessons immediately with up to three months to complete. Popular Topics include business, accounting, computer applications, programming, writing, and more.

Popular Online Personal Development Courses
Accounting Fundamentals
A to Z Grant Writing
Grammar Refresher
Speed Spanish
Project Management Fundamentals
Microsoft Excel 2019
QuickBooks Online
Computer Skills for the Workplace
Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh My!
Introduction to Interior Design
Discover Sign Language

Areas Of Study
Accounting and Finance
College Readiness
Computer Applications
Design and Composition
Healthcare and Medical
Language and Arts
Law and Legal
Personal Development
Teaching and Education
Writing and Publishing

Explore all Online Personal Development Courses



English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes
Dates: Wednesdays
Time: 5:00-7:30PM

Do you want to improve your English language skills? The Lifelong Learning Center offers free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for those who want to better communicate and engage in the community.

You must pre-register and be approved to attend classes, no drop ins permitted. For more information on registering for classes-text message 570-995-6805, call 570-628-5761, or email

High School Equivalency Exam Prep Classes
Date: Mondays
Time: 12:30-3:00PM

Next Orientation: Mondays, February 24 & March 3, 2025

Adult Basic Education programs are funded by the PA Department of Education, Division of Adult Education and the Workforce Investment Act to provide a full range of instructional services that prepare residents looking to develop the basic skills necessary to participate fully in the education of their children, find and keep family-sustaining employment, or obtain a secondary school credential.

The Schuylkill IU's Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) has existed to enhance the basic skills of adult learners. Our mission is to offer educational programs that are accessible and flexible in delivery. Programs foster values for lifelong learning, respect for diversity, and development of students as contributing members of society. Educational goals are set by individual learners and are defined by the adult learner's perceived roles as workers, family members, and community members.

FREE instruction is offered to adults who are looking to improve their basic reading, writing, math skills and English as a Second Language. The adult learner will receive valuable skills needed to succeed in the workplace or in a post-secondary/training program.

Any adult, who is at least 16 years of age, is a resident of PA, is not currently enrolled in a public or private secondary or post-secondary institution or has completed a high school diploma but is in need of basic skills instruction is eligible to participate in the initial Orientation. It is during the Orientation process that the adult leaner is assessed. A plan will then be developed which will provide the adult leaner with the best options in order to meet their educational needs in the timeliest manner.

Before enrolling in a class, adult learners attend High School Equivalency Exam Prep orientation. During orientation, the adult learner's educational levels are assessed in order to determine the most appropriate class needed in order to successfully pass the High School Equivalency Exam Prep test.

For Class Updates, check the LifeLong Learning Center Facebook Page

High School Equivalency/Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma Info click here

For more information on the LifeLong Learning Center click here

For more information or to register for any of the above Adult Basic Education Programs-High School Equivalency Exam Prep Classes or English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes text message 570-995-6805 pr call 570-628-5761.